Join C.Psyd

We are always looking for motivated new group members!

You will help discover how the human mind processes language, how it makes predictions using incomplete information, and how language operates at scale. You will work at the frontier of psycholinguistics and natural language processing to push both fields forward. You will develop skills with programming, human experimentation, data analysis, and statistics.

Applications for Cornell PhD admission

If you are interested in applying to Cornell to work with us, please don’t email me to ask if you should apply. I get several emails each day asking if people should apply and I am unable to respond to them all. If you are interested in what we do, and you have a background in linguistics, cognitive science, or computer science, you should apply to Cornell linguistics and state your desire to join C.Psyd in that application!

Apply to Cornell linguistics here

Applications for Postdoctoral positions

If you are interested in joining as a postdoc or an affiliated research assistant professor, I’m happy to support funding applications. Send me an email describing your interests, and we can work out some funding proposals. Here are some funding options:

Klarman Postdoctoral Fellowship

Assistant Research Professorship, Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society

Cornell students looking to join C.Psyd

If you are already a student at Cornell University, feel free to send me an email to describe your background and express your interest. Most likely, I will invite you to sit in on the C.Psyd lab meetings to help you develop project ideas. You should also consider taking Computational Linguistics I (LING 4424/6424), Computational Linguistics II (LING 4434/6434), or the computational linguistics seminars that are regularly offered through linguistics (example). You may also be interested in the other NLP courses at Cornell.

Photo by Ty Finck on Unsplash