Welcome to C.Psyd

We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info) !

We are a linguistics research group at Cornell University. We are interested in the intersection of computational linguistics and psycholinguistics. By building computational models to predict human language processing behavior (e.g., reading times), we can study the linguistic features that impact human processing decisions. Relatedly, C.Psyd members use psycholinguistic techniques to study the strategies used by neural networks to produce high accuracy in different language contexts, which gives us insights as to when different strategies might be employed by humans.

We are affiliated with the Cornell Computational Linguistics Lab and with the Cornell Natural Language Processing Group.


6 Jan 2024

At the LSA centennial, Kihyo Park presented his work on Korean double nominative processing, Kaelyn Lamp presented her work on causative constructions in hate speech, and John Starr was named Student Representative to the LSA Executive Committee.

9 Dec 2023

Fangcong Yin presented his work studying the summarization process as a compression function at Findings of EMNLP.

10 Nov 2023

Jacob Matthews presented his work developing a fast, simple, and extensible graph embedding model at New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data (TADA).

10 Oct 2023

John Starr presented his work studying the interaction between discourse and phonological processing at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP).

26 May 2023

John Starr presented his work studying the processing trade-offs between syntax and phonology at the Manchester Phonology Meeting (MFM).

23 May 2023

Fangcong Yin was honored as a Merrill Presidential Scholar, one of the highest undergraduate honors at Cornell! Well done, Fangcong!

3 April 2023

Marten gave an invited talk at the University of Florida on the linking hypotheses between surprisal and human language processing.

31 Mar 2023

C.Psyd co-organized the second Workshop on Processing and Evaluating Event Representations (PEER) with FACTS.lab.

9 Mar 2023

C.Psyders rocked HSP 2023 with 6 poster presentations.

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